
69th Program Year – Eleventh Meeting

The Program: “The Year of Living Dangerously? Asia in 2018”
After several decades of peace and rapid economic development, Asia now faces security and economic challenges. Following the Singapore summit, can a lasting peace and possible reunification come to the Korean peninsula? Will China pursue a more assertive policy in the region including its claims to the South China Sea? Will China alone shape the economic future of the region following our withdrawal from the TPP? This session will focus on current security issues, political developments and economic trends in Asia and their implications for US Foreign Policy.

Presenter: Ambassador William Itoh is a Senior Advisor to McLarty Associates, an international business consulting firm. He also serves as Professor of the Practice in the Department of Public Policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ambassador Itoh had a distinguished career in public service with the Department of State. From 1995-1999 he served as U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand. Prior to his appointment to Bangkok, he was Executive Secretary of the National Security Council at the White House (1993 1995). He currently serves as President of the World Affairs Council of Albuquerque.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2018


6:00 pm
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