71st Program Year – Fourth Meeting
The Program: “Finland on World Affairs-Perspectives from Northern Europe” Return of great power competition is a bleak perspective for small nation like Finland that depends on rules-based international system. This presentation will look at topical international issues from the perspective of a small Nordic and Arctic nation, a staunch member of the European Union, a close partner of NATO and a great supporter of transatlantic community. Finland holds currently the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Sirpa Nyberg is Minister Counsellor and Head of the Political Section at the Embassy of Finland in Washington, DC. Prior to this posting, Ms. Nyberg was Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Finland in Norway and held the same post at the Embassy of Finland in Thailand. She has also served as Deputy Head of Unit for Northern Europe of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. She worked at the Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations in Geneva, engaging with the UN Human Rights Council, and at the Delegation of the European Union to the UN in New York, working on disarmament and non-proliferation issues. Ms. Nyberg studied political science at the University of Stockholm and national economics at the University of Nürnberg. She received her master’s degree in international relations from the University of Tampere. In her free time Ms. Nyberg enjoys the outdoors and she has climbed the highest mountain in New Mexico.